When I was in Australia, 20 years ago, I had fish and chips daily.
The fish was in different forms -- loved the poached. Could not get enough of it! The smell wafting through the salty air had me doing handstands and somersaults . . .
Well, sort of.
greetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
When I was in Australia, 20 years ago, I had fish and chips daily.
The fish was in different forms -- loved the poached. Could not get enough of it! The smell wafting through the salty air had me doing handstands and somersaults . . .
Well, sort of.
greetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
Thanks for sharing, fellow enjoyers of all things delectable to the palate.
I had no realization there were delicious aliments outside the realm of pasta, a staple for us from Middle Earth!
ok. i had a fascinating conversation with one of my polish colleagues at work.
she knows i'm a jdub and an activist as have filled her in warts and all about watchtower.. she came up to me today explaining how a couple of polish witnesses came to her door.
she was curious as to how they knew to call on her door knowing she was polish.
In New York City (Manhattan) and Brooklyn, we Bethelites in the French Congo took the subway and chatted up the French-speaking Haitians. The French themselves showed little interest.
The former were enthusiastic and readily had us over to their apartments. They would invite friends and family over and we had hours-long Bible discussions, and, often, food! It started with about a dozen and ended up numerous congregations and circuits. We even went upstate NY and started new groups, called nuclei.
The Haitians were loving and friendly. We lonely Bethel brothers found our niche.
greetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
greetings, gourmands of the forum!.
i agree with garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
slathering my pasta with an inch of best foods real mayonnaise (hellman's, east of the rockies) is close to heaven for me.
Greetings, Gourmands of the Forum!
I agree with Garfield, but mayo comes in a close second.
Slathering my pasta with an inch of Best Foods Real Mayonnaise (Hellman's, East of the Rockies) is close to heaven for me. Problem is, I'm of stocky Mediterranean ethnicity.
perhaps the one scripture most often quoted by jws is matthew 24:14: "this good news of the kingdomwill be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come.
" even after decades away from the kingdom hall, i can still rattle off that verse.
i daresay all 8-plus million "active" jws can also recite it, plus the untold millions who have left or become inactive across the decades.. it is among the top cornerstone texts used in jw communications.. but now there's a significant shift in the use of that text: jws often focused heavily on the part of the scripture about the end coming.
I just wrote a friend who's been out 40-plus years and told her she wouldn't recognize the religion anymore -- nor do I. That sacred touchstone -- our one-time mantra -- may be in a state of flux. Interesting, Russell said light is added to, not displaced by new light.
Maybe we should reconsider the founder's philosophy.
Well, maybe not . . . didn't the end come in 1914?!?!?!?
i've only just stopped laughing.. in my old hall there's a brother who's now claiming to be of the anointed.. he's 28.. i do wonder if he's doing this for attention, if he's awake and messing with them, or if he really is that deluded.
when i was in he was an ms. which surprised even me because only a year earlier than that he was "a bit of a lad", is rubbish at talks and relies on his elder uncle to get him out of trouble all the time.. i guess this now means he's get his pick of jw sisters.
he's been after the same one as the rest of his peers since 2014..
Like the apostle Paul, I was caught away to the "third heaven" but fell back to earth with a thud.
Going to Bethel takes you to the sublime and leaves you with the ridiculous . . . I was "anointed" for about a week, woke up to reality, and found New York and my pitiful life there a real downer. The foreign language congo gave me some sense of worth and community.
I am so grounded and sensible now that I can't recognize myself when I look in the mirror.
this place -- unknown to all but me -- has become my refuge.. at last, i have discovered a tiny spot out in the open -- i love open spaces -- where no one can see me.
it is beautiful here while i watch people walk to and fro past me; yet, i am unseen.
i yammer giddily at them, but they are completely oblivious to my presence, my antics, my mock plaints.. i laugh, but they do not laugh with me because they do not see the joke.
Nancy: for you!
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Thank you, Diogenesister, for a compassionate and Christ-like response.
Not wishy-washy at all. A different approach for a different circumstance. I simply cannot imagine Jesus being bound by petty man-made rules when giving physical and spiritual aid to needy, ailing sheep.
This isn't quite the same circumstance, but an elderly sister, of the other sheep class, told me how her feisty anointed mother handled one circumstance. Not one to brook any religious interfaith with her self-righteous Pentecostal brother, Mom refused to join in prayer with her brother at a bus depot diner. His aim, as usual, was to make a showy display of his piety. Her retort was that she wouldn't join in prayer with him because the food wasn't worth praying over.
Honest -- true story.
Best wishes.
greetings, friends:.
today, i saw an old friend in town, and, after we got caught up and finally said our goodbyes, she asked me to pray for her.
family problems were eating her up.. how have you responded if and when you were asked this?
Thank you, steve2.
You wrote:
[. . . it has] more to do with one person reaching out to another in a time of trouble or impending loss.
Neither logic nor evidence is necessary -- good point.
In the OP I didn't mention that I asked, in return, my friend might pray for me and my family. We have a bond through a child I mentored and I sought camaraderie and sharing, which I could sense made her feel good.
Yeah, if someone offers to pray for me, I could wonder if I really appear so bad off. Oh well, take what help you can . . .